My Order Balance Control Overview

The My Order Balance control displays the logged in web users's current order balance. This control provides web users with a reminder that an outstanding balance exists and provides an immediate payment option.


See Configuring the Web Settings for the My Order Balance Control for more information on how to drop this control onto a page on your e-Business website. The My Order Balance control does not  require any additional back office configurations. All data displayed in this control is based off your user's information. In addition, the order balance does not update until the new order balance is recalculated, which is done by running the SQL job.

Customer Impact

After configuring the My Order Balance control, your web users will see the control similar to the one displayed below if he/she has a balance due. When your user selects the Pay Now link, he/she is taken to the Pay Open Orders page. Only your user's current balance due will display, not his/her total balance due.

If the logged in web user does not have a balance due, the control will display as shown below.

 The order balance will be converted to your web user's preferred currency. If a user does not have a preferred currency, it will default to display the base currency.